On Sunday, November 7, 2010, I woke up at 3:00 AM with mild contractions (felt like period cramps). At around 4:00 AM, I started timing them. They were anywhere from 3-5 minutes apart and lasting for 30-45 seconds. At the time, I wasn't sure if it was "real labor"....I've heard so many stories of women who think they're in labor, go to the hospital, and then get sent home. Around 5:00 AM, I called my mother to let her know that I was in labor. She took the first flight that morning with my two sisters to meet us. I then called my Dr. and my Doula.
We left home at 6:30 AM to head to the hospital. We were admitted at 7:00 AM only to be told a few hours later that I wasn't progressing fast enough.
Our admittance was cancelled, and we were told to go home to walk around and relax. It was nice to be able to go home to walk around a little and be with my husband, mother, and sisters. By the time we all got home, my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and lasting for 1 minute. We stayed home for 3 hours, then called the Dr again. He told us to come on in.
We were officially admitted again at 3:00 PM. At this time, I was only 3 centimeters dilated. We waited a little longer, and then the Dr. gave me Cervidil to "ripen" my cervix (for dilation to continue). Since I was still not dilating, the Dr. decided to rupture my waters. It felt very relieving to me when this was done....but then the bad contractions started (around 6:00 PM).
I was in very active /transition labor for 6 hours until I decided I could no longer take the pain. I then asked for an epidural. Unfortunately for me, the anesthesiologist was in the middle of a surgery on another floor. I had to wait for another hour and a half. UGH!!! (At this time, I was still only 4 centimeters dilated).
My husband, mother, and doula stayed with me during my whole labor. They were all so very amazing. I was in awe of how my husband handled me. He was so amazing through every contraction.
Finally the anesthesiologist showed up, gave me the epidural, and I immediately dilated to 6 centimeters (just by being able to relax). Unfortunately, 6 centimeters was all I reached. My baby's heart rate was dropping with every contraction. After 2 hours of the Dr. watching the monitor nervously, he came in to the room and told me that a cesarean section was needed. I was DEVASTATED. My whole birthing experience was everything that I did not want (Cervidil, Rupturing of my Waters, Epidural, then Cesarean Section). I envisioned a natural birth without medications.
My husband and I were very nervous. Everything seemed to go so fast. The nurse started prepping me in the room, and I was taken into the OR (operating room) for more prepping. The anesthesiologist was with me until my husband was able to come into the room. During the surgery, the Dr. found that the cord was wrapped around his neck twice! This was the reason he couldn't descend. For almost 24 hours, my body was trying to push him down, but his cord was preventing that from happening!
Ryder was born at 1:32 AM on November 8, 2010. He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long. He was just beautiful.