Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Giveaway! One 15ml bottle of Lavender Essential Oil

1 Lavender Essential Oil

Young Living Product Information:

The Giveaway
When I reach 100 followers, one lucky winner will receive one 15ml bottle of Lavender Essential Oil
Mandatory Entry is easy! Just follow my blog and that's it!  Please tell your friends.   


Is it Summer Time Yet?

A little Early for Summer Drink!

I'm very excited for Summer to come around already!!!  I've been loving Grapefruit Essential Oil lately.  I use it in my water every day for my general health but also to boost my metabolism!  Just what I need right now to get the baby weight off.  I was curious to see what Young Living said about Grapefruit Essential Oil, and I stumbled accross this drink recipe!  I'm very excited to try it with some Vodka.  :) Yum!    

Citrus Ginger Splash (Yields 1 pint)*
3 medium Valencia oranges, halved
1 medium grapefruit, halved
1 medium lemon, halved
1 large lime, halved
YLTG lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit and ginger essential oils
Use a citrus juicer to juice the fruit. Strain the juice for a smoother consistency, if desired. Stir to mix. Add 2 drops of each essential oil to each glass and stir when ready to serve.
*Recipe from Young Living's blog ( )

If you're like me and need a little "pick me up", you'll add a little of your fav vodka! 

 If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at  You'll have to create a customer account ( ) and enter my distributor number (1120251)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What are Essential Oils?

What are Essential Oils?  From the Young Living website:

Essential oils, known as nature’s living energy, are the natural, aromatic volatile liquids found in shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. The distinctive components in essential oils defend plants against insects, environmental conditions, and disease. They are also vital for a plant to grow, live, evolve, and adapt to its surroundings. Essential oils are extracted from aromatic plant sources via steam distillation, and are highly concentrated and far more potent than dry herbs.
While essential oils often have a pleasant aroma, their chemical makeup is complex and their benefits vast—which makes them much more than something that simply smells good.
Historically, essential oils have played a prominent role in everyday life. With more than 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Bible, essential oils are said to be used for anointing and healing the sick. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy, message therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions, and much more.
Young Living Essential Oils, the leading provider of essential oils, offers more than 300 essential oil singles and blends. All Young Living essential oils meet the YLTG standard. This means that every essential oil Young Living distills or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect. Only YLTG essential oils should be used for the primary methods of application, which include inhalation and application.

If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at  You'll have to create a customer account ( ) and enter my distributor number (1120251)

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Green Way to Clean

Essential Oils are GREAT for household cleaning:

Microwave Cleaner:
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon vinegar
6 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix ingredients to make a paste.  Apply to interior of microwave with a sponge.  Rinse and leave the door open to dry for 15 minutes.  Wash the glass turntable by hand.  This recipe will get rid of food odors.

Hard Floor Cleaner:
1/4 cup white vinegar to a bucket of water
5-10 drops of lemon, pine, spruce
Liquid castile soap if needed.
If the floor is especially dirty, add several drops of dishwashing soap.  This will clean even the dirtiest floor.

Carpet Freshener:
1 cup baking soad
16-20 drops essential oils
Mix well and place in a covered container overnight so that the oil can be absorved.  Sprinkle over your carpet the next day and then vacuum the powder up.

Vacuum Cleaner:
You may also saturate a disposable cloth or tissue with several drops of essential oils and place into the collecting bag of your vacuum.  This will diffuse a pleasant odor as you clean.

Homemade Soft Scrubber
1/2 cup baking soda
Liquid Castile Soap
5 drops Lavender essential oil and/or Tea Tree essential oil
Place the baking soda in a bowl.  Slowly pour in liquid soap stirring constantly.  Add the liquid soad until the consistency resembles frosting.  Add the essential oils.  Scoop the creamy mixture onto a sponge, scrub the surgace, and then rinse.

Basic Wood Cleaning Formula:
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon liquid castile soap
5 drops jojoba or olive oil
Combine the ingredients in a bowl.  Saturate a sponge and squeeze the excess out.  Wash the surfaces of dirty wood.  The vinegar smell will disipate soon.  Dry with a soft cloth.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party

I am Candice.  Wife to Frank and mother to Ryder.  I am quite new to blogging, but I LOVE it!  I love to read about other mother's experiences, ideas, advice, etc.


I work full time as a store manager, full time as Frank's wife and Ryder's mom, part time as a Real Estate agent, part time as a pet sitter, and I have 2 side businesses....I make jewelry ( ) and sell Essential Oils (  - distributor number 1120251 ).  Phew!

My blog is mostly me writing testimonials about my use of Essential Oils on myself and my son, Ryder.  These oils amaze me everyday.  I also write about my "first time mom"experiences.

When I have 100 followers, I will give away Lavender Essential Oil to one of my lucky followers, so please tell your friends!

Please check out my blog and enjoy!

Essential Oils for Bump on the Head

Ryder got his first bump on his head.  We were at a friends house, and a picture fell on his head.  :(

He cried/screamed so hard.  My friend (who is also into using essential oils) immediately put lavender all over his head.  She then put her hand in front of his face allowing him to breath in the excess oils.  He immediately stopped crying!  I don't know why it amazed me, but it did.  I am amazed every day with these oils.....not only for myself, but for Ryder as well. 

The bump was a pretty big/long bump from the edge of the frame.  It was gone the next day.

 If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at  You'll have to create a customer account and enter my distributor number (1120251).