Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is it Summer Time Yet?

A little Early for Summer Drink!

I'm very excited for Summer to come around already!!!  I've been loving Grapefruit Essential Oil lately.  I use it in my water every day for my general health but also to boost my metabolism!  Just what I need right now to get the baby weight off.  I was curious to see what Young Living said about Grapefruit Essential Oil, and I stumbled accross this drink recipe!  I'm very excited to try it with some Vodka.  :) Yum!    

Citrus Ginger Splash (Yields 1 pint)*
3 medium Valencia oranges, halved
1 medium grapefruit, halved
1 medium lemon, halved
1 large lime, halved
YLTG lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit and ginger essential oils
Use a citrus juicer to juice the fruit. Strain the juice for a smoother consistency, if desired. Stir to mix. Add 2 drops of each essential oil to each glass and stir when ready to serve.
*Recipe from Young Living's blog ( )

If you're like me and need a little "pick me up", you'll add a little of your fav vodka! 

 If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at  You'll have to create a customer account ( ) and enter my distributor number (1120251)


  1. Sounds good!!! I also can't wait for summer to's my absolute favorite season!!!! :)

  2. That sounds yummy! It is a little too cold out here to be thinking about summer yet.
