Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cough gone with Peppermint and Thyme!!!

I was away for 3.5 days with my daughter.  We had to attend my Grandmother's funeral 10 hours away in Pittsburgh, PA.  :(  

I returned home to find my son coughing.  My husband then had to leave for a 3 day snowboarding trip with the guys, so I was left home with a 4 month old and a sick 2 year old.     

The cough wasn't so bad at first, but it started to get worse and worse.  I was putting Thieves and RC on the bottom of his feet to help him fight off the cough. 

It was working but not as fast as I had liked.  He woke up in the middle of the night to come into bed with me since he wasn't feeling well.  He was coughing for about 2 hours (every 3 minutes or so).  Since I couldn't get any sleep, I decided to do a little research to find some oils that help suppress a cough.  I found that Peppermint and Thyme work. 
I diluted some Peppermint, Thyme, and Immupower in olive oil and rubbed it on his chest and back.  NOT EVEN 30 SECONDS LATER, HIS COUGH WAS GONE!  I feel like I'm exaggerating when I say this, but I'm not!!

   I am very excited to say that I found my new cough "blend".

If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at www.youngliving.com.  You'll have to create a customer account and enter my distributor number (1120251).


Placenta Encapsulation Is AWESOME!!!

I am writing this post WAY too late.....

After I gave birth to Lyla, my Doula took my placenta home with her.  She returned to my home 2-3 days later to hand me a little jar of my very own 100% personalized (with my own body) happy pills! 

I cannot express enough how AWESOME these pills were!  I received 100 capsuls.  I took 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening; only to realize that I ran out way too quickly!!  I wish I had an endless supply of my placenta.  I don't know or understand why this is not mainstream!  Why in the world would women deny such an amazing thing! 

The benefits of Placenta Encapsulation are:
  • Decrease in postpartum depression.
  • Increase in breastmilk supply.
  • Increase in energy.
  • Decrease in lochia, postpartum bleeding.
  • Decrease iron deficiency.
  • Decrease insomnia or sleep disorders.
  • Decreases postpartum "night sweats".

  • The most noticable benefit for me was my increase in energy.  However, it's hard for me to compare my two births since the first birth was a cesearean.  I didn't get any "baby blues" with my first birth.  I did however have low energy (again, this could be a result of the cesearean).  I also noticed that my uterous shrunk a lot faster with the second birth.  I don't know if this is from taking the "happy pills" or not.  

    When my Doula came to give me my "happy pills", she also gave me a print of my placenta (which I will later hang in my daughter's room).  She mentioned that when she was dehydrating my placenta, her house smelled like Clary Sage!!!  During my labor, she massaged Clary Sage onto the vitaflex points of my feet and ankles.  Clary Sage helps with dilation, so it went directly to my uterous (and placenta).  I was yet again amazed of the power of Essential Oils!


    If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at www.youngliving.com.  You'll have to create a customer account and enter my distributor number (1120251).