Sunday, April 3, 2011

Essential Oils for Bump on the Head

Ryder got his first bump on his head.  We were at a friends house, and a picture fell on his head.  :(

He cried/screamed so hard.  My friend (who is also into using essential oils) immediately put lavender all over his head.  She then put her hand in front of his face allowing him to breath in the excess oils.  He immediately stopped crying!  I don't know why it amazed me, but it did.  I am amazed every day with these oils.....not only for myself, but for Ryder as well. 

The bump was a pretty big/long bump from the edge of the frame.  It was gone the next day.

 If you'd like to purchase any of these oils, you can do so at  You'll have to create a customer account and enter my distributor number (1120251).

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